ALT Scene Shop Fundraiser
Please donate to help us raise funds to purchase a dedicated set shop and prop storage building. All donations are tax deductible. Ardmore Little Theatre, Inc. is recognized as a not-for-profit, 501c(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service.
Greetings ALT Family,
I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy in this New Year. The reason for this letter is to inform you of an exciting endeavor the board of directors has taken on. As I’m sure you are aware, the Goddard Center is undergoing extensive renovations. ALT is excited about the upgrades, however, these changes will dramatically impact ALT’s shop/building space. A critical part of providing quality community theatre is set design and construction.
As you know, the shop area located backstage has been utilized to build sets for productions and for storage of lumber, paint, set pieces and tools. After the renovation, this will no longer be possible due to the new renovations. In addition, the back room that houses props will also be altered due to fire suppression upgrades. Our need is clear-we need a building.
We have found a building at 39 Caddo St NE, which is in the Arts & Culture District of Historical Downtown Ardmore. The building is 6000 sq ft, with two bay doors on Caddo Street and another bay door at the back of the building. In addition, it offers a bathroom and office space. This building would allow ALT to have all our set pieces, platforms, lumber, paint, tools, etc. in one location and is large enough to potentially offer rehearsal space. The board feels this building solves some critical issues ALT has faced over the past two seasons-and now, due to changes at the Goddard Center, will continue to face these challenges in the future. Since our rent to the Goddard Center is based on time spent in the theater, we feel a building space of our own will allow us to do business more efficiently moving forward.
Ardmore Little Theatre has provided over sixty years of quality community theatre to the Ardmore area, serving thousands of patrons annually, and we need your financial support to continue this very important mission. While the board is applying to local foundations to help with the building purchase, we want to ask you as patrons, cast, crew and volunteers, to financially assist us with this important step in ALT’s growth and development.
Ardmore Little Theatre is a non-profit organization, so donations are tax deductible. Our goal is to have donations in hand by mid March, to move forward with the building purchase.
You can make your donation here online, or you can mail your payment to:
Ardmore Little Theatre
P.O. Box 245
Ardmore, OK 73402
Thank you for your consideration and please reach out if you have any questions.
2023-2024 ALT Board of Directors
Lisa Riggle – President
Lesley Dvorak – Vice President
Robert Newell – Treasurer
Daniel Oyler – Secretary
Gay Lynn Allen
Lisa Cowan
Janie Herriott
Casey Jones
Joh Mann
Tisa Peevy
Todd Yeager
Joel Wellnitz-Financial Advisor